Source code for holmium.core.conditions

utility callables to be passed to holmium.core.Element(s) only_if parameter
import re
import threading
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

[docs]class BaseCondition(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ base class to implement conditions passed to the ``only_if`` parameter of :class:`holmium.core.pageobject.ElementGetter` subclasses. """ stack = threading.local() stack.stack = [] def __call__(self, element): return self.evaluate(element)
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate(self, element): """ abstract method to be implemented by derived classes. """ raise NotImplementedError
def __enter__(self): self.stack.stack.append(self) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stack.stack.pop() @classmethod def get_current(cls): return cls.stack.stack[0] if cls.stack.stack else None
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]class VISIBLE(BaseCondition): """ checks if the element is visible """ def evaluate(self, element): return element and element.is_displayed()
[docs]class INVISIBLE(BaseCondition): """ checks if the element is invisible """ def evaluate(self, element): return not element or not element.is_displayed()
[docs]class MATCHES_TEXT(BaseCondition): """ checks if the element's text matches the provided regular expression. """ def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = expr def evaluate(self, element): return element and re.compile(self.expr).match(element.text)
[docs]class ANY(BaseCondition): """ checks if any of the elements in the collection match the condition. """ def __init__(self, condition): self.cond = condition def evaluate(self, elements): return any(self.cond(el) for el in elements)
[docs]class ALL(BaseCondition): """ checks if all of the elements in the collection match the condition. """ def __init__(self, condition): self.cond = condition def evaluate(self, elements): return all(self.cond(el) for el in elements)